DwightFest Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to produce an annual music and arts event to benefit local artists, entertainers, and workers in the South Walton area.
Local businesses and enterprises would not be able to operate without our valuable workforce, many of whom can’t afford insurance or medical care, and often need financial assistance when facing difficult circumstances.
DwightFest was originally inspired after the devastating stroke of our dear friend, local potter Dwight Ward. It was evident that in addition to immediate support for Dwight, so many others in our community will have needs in years to come.
The volunteer board recognizes a significant need to assist community members whose hard work makes the South Walton area the amazing place it is. A foundation has been established to assist those who need help in our local community. The board will govern the foundation and all subsequent duties will be delegated by the board to appropriate entities.
Become A Sponsor of DwightFest!